International Dive Trips

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Last Updated: 09/26/23

How do I book an International Dive Trip set up by the club?
If I don’t have a roommate when I make a deposit, will Active Divers find me one?
If I do not have a roommate at the time final payment is due, what are my options?
If my club provided roommate cancels after the final payment date, will I have to pay the single supplement to go on the trip?
If my roommate cancels after the final payment date, will I have to pay the single supplement to go on the trip?
If I have to cancel due to an emergency after the final payment date, will I get a full refund of the trip cost for payments I made and/or the club made to third-party trip operators including but not limited to, dive operators, cruise lines, tour packagers, and airlines?
If I have to cancel due to an emergency , will I get a full refund of the airfare I paid?
Are all of the features of the advertised trip such as number of dives, free Nitrox, etc. guaranteed?
Do I need to bring my certification cards?
What kind of dive boats can I expect on an international trip?
If I cancel individual dives booked by myself or the club on my behalf, will I get a refund if I cancel them?